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Welcome (8:02)
Module 1: The Journey Begins: All About Anxiety
What is Anxiety? (5:19)
All About General Anxiety (4:00)
All About Specific Fears/Phobias (5:22)
All About Social Anxiety (4:28)
All About Panic (6:08)
All About Separation Anxiety (3:11)
All About Other Types of Anxiety (3:51)
Module 2: Anxiety, the Brain, & the Body
Anxiety Triggers (6:41)
You Can Change Your Brain-Neuroplasticty (3:50)
Your Brain on Fear (8:03)
Fight, Flight, Freeze (4:26)
Symptoms of Anxiety (8:04)
Module 3: Calming The Anxious Body
Just Breathe (2:13)
Body Scan (7:14)
Relax Those Muscles (9:02)
Acupressure (3:56)
Module 4: Calming the Anxious Mind
Dog Mind vs. Lion Mind (3:51)
Take a Mental Vacation (3:25)
You're Grounded (2:56)
Relaxing Snowfall (7:29)
Ocean Waves (2:35)
Mindful Walking
Mindful Activities
Module 5: Anxiety & Thoughts
Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, & Results (6:25)
ANTS (12:41)
Challenging Negative Thoughts (11:30)
Thank You, Mind (4:25)
The Worry Tree (5:01)
The Worry Shrinker (2:20)
Troubling or Tragic (1:31)
What Else & Really (4:48)
Anchor Statements (5:53)
Module 6: The Big 3: Sleep, Food, and Movement
Sleep Hygiene (6:47)
Good Food, Good Mood (9:52)
Move Your Body (13:06)
Module 7: Facing Your Fears
Avoidance & Safety Behaviors (11:48)
Setting Goals (7:36)
Facing Your Fears One Step at a Time (20:08)
Facing Your Fears Worksheets
Next Steps (4:27)
Good Food, Good Mood
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